and Lines to Live By

Inspiration to start your day
written and/or collected by
Beulah Peyton Bouzane.

“To improve the golden moment
of opportunity and catch the good
that is within our reach,
is the great art of life.”

~Samuel Johnson

Walk gently in truth and with purpose
for you are a traveler on life’s Journey

In quiet spaces, you feel your heartbeat
In the stillness you are alive with singing
In the wind your story is being written
~ You are the author

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

Love as much as your heart can hold
Enjoy each moment that is yours
Live life to the fullest
~ the possibilities are endless

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

In the wee hours of every morning, I wrap myself in silence so I can hear the essence of my being and then I smile as I listen for the cry of loons and geese on the river.

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

Every day is filled with noise and commotion. Find spaces of silence in between the chaos so you can feel and hear your heartbeat and experience the real you.

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

Live life on the edge of all it was meant to be.
Allow yourself to dance without music.
Let each morning be filled with
shining eyes and laughter.

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

Hope is a matter of choice. It can be the inner strength you need to guide you forward no matter what your circumstance.

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

Stretch yourself physically.
Rest when you need to rest but
do NOT waste away your time.
    Learn to LIVE every moment!

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from the BoBo Collection

Muddied and weary from the storm, we laugh and cry together and after we quietly wait for a new day.

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from the BoBo Collection

Some days are meant for watching clouds
and imagining where the wind
would take you if you could fly.

Ah yes, some days!

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from the BoBo Collection

It was the magic of memories
when the impossible was fantastic
and believable if only for the
stillness of one autumn night.

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from the BoBo Collection

Each step we take is a footprint
    making a special mark
    telling our story
    making it matter that we were here.

~Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

She said, “The best surprises are the unexpected
ones that come from never-dreamed-of

~Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

From Embers by Richard Wagamese …

ME: What do I need to live at my best?
OLD WOMAN: Truth and courage.
ME: Not purpose and strength?
OLD WOMAN: Truth and courage are purpose and strength. They are the roots of everything powerful. Everything spiritual. When you keep your truth in front of you and have the courage to keep moving toward it, through anything that arises, you live at your best.
ME: Even if I stumble?
OLD WOMAN: Especially then.

I began to walk more gracefully after that.

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

Sometimes the way seems long and you feel lost in a sea of endless questions without answers. Then the sky clears and you trust enough to walk gracefully until the answers come.

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

It is in the stillness of the time just before the sun rises that poems are written and inspiration is found.”

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

“In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.”

~ Kahlil Gibran

“We all have a hungry heart, and one of the things we hunger for is happiness.”

~ Mary Oliver

“I’ve learned best from the mistakes I’ve made. Every hill I’ve had to climb, every difficulty I’ve faced – these were the things that made me strong.”

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

“There is a quest that calls me
in night when I’m alone,
the need to ride where the ways divide
the unknown from the known.”

~Cale Young Rice

“Every day … I seek to go where I have never travelled. I wake with the vision of a purposeful day, filled with adventures and teachings. Then I take the first step and try to make it Beyond.”

~Richard Wagamese
from his book “Embers”

Do not dwell in the past or dream only of the future. Live for today and let the eagle soar!

~Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

“Your past will influence and shape part of you, but you prove who you are each day you are in.”

~Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

“After she had that last big garage sale, she floated off into the sky. And I heard her say there was nothing to keep her here anymore.

I was much more cautious about the stuff I got rid of after that.”

~ Brian Andreas
from Story People

“From the center of my life, there came a great fountain, deep blue, shadows on azure seawaters.”

~Louise Gluck
The Wild Iris

“Always be gentle. Act softly and kindly to others and to yourself. Be like the grass. It gets stepped on and flattened but regains its shape again once the pressure has passed. It is humble, accepting and soft. That’s what makes it strong.

~Richard Wagamese
from his book “Embers”

“You know it is a good day when you wake in the morning and every thought is in rhythm.”

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

“The sound of the birds, the wind in the trees, the patter of rain on the roof, the smell of coffee brewing and a good book waiting ~ such a wonderful way to start my morning.”

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

“When troubles come your way, as often times they do, hold firm, plant your feet firmly and brace yourself.  Keep your chin up and head high.  You will see it through!”

~ Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

“True genius is knowing when to say nothing, to allow experience, the moment itself, to carry the message, to say what needs to be said.”

~ Richard Wagamese
Embers, One Ojibway’s Meditations

“I opened my eyes
and looked up at the rain,
and it dripped in my head
and flowed in my brain,
and all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slighity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly
I walk very slow
I can’t do a handstand ~
I might overflow.”

~ Shel Silverstein

For graduates then and now … 
“Climb far, your goal the sky,
your aim the star.”

~ original author unknown

“A house without books is like a room without windows.”

~ Horace Mann

“One day I shall travel to far off lands, explore new places, meet new people and make new friends. Ah yes – one day. 

But until then, I shall enjoy this little piece of Paradise and those standing next to me,  and I shall laugh and dance to the song of life.”

Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

“Life is a journey of many roads,
of dips and turns, of majestic
mountains and peaceful valleys,
of rolling thunder and raging storms,
of beauiful sunrises and still waters
~ every moment to be savored.”

Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

The wise person draws from every stage of life, feeling the beauty, the dignity and value.

Beulah Peyton Bouzane

The BoBo Collection

"Welcome each new day with freshness and enthusiasm. Great things can be achieved that way.”
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
"The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts."
Marcus Aurelius

Keep your face always toward the sunshine
and shadows will fall behind you.

Walt Whitman

“She said she usually cried at least once each day, not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful and life was so short.”

by Brian Andreas

The most important things that happen in our lifetime happen within ourselves.  Whether we see it as misery or joy is our choice.

Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

This comes from a beautiful, well-grounded, young teenager who is one of the most precious loves in my life:

Live each day to the fullest
because you never know
when it’s going to end.”

M.E. Bouzane

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”

by Hunter S. Thompson

I once had a garden filled with flowers that grew only on dark thoughts, but they needed constant attention and one day I decided I had better things to do.

by Brian Andreas

“They may forget what you said – but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

Carl W. Buehner

She said, “I have such a drab personality so I wear bright colours to cover it up.” 
and then she laughed.

Mabel Brennan

Beulah Peyton Bouzane

Beulah Peyton Bouzane

Sometimes I hear or read the most wonderful little snippets. Other times they come from nowhere as I sit and write.  Those snippets are the things that often strike a chord and get me thinking deeper.  I thought you might enjoy them. too.

May today
be filled

Beulah Peyton Bouzane

Live life
on the edge
of all it was
meant to be

Beulah Peyton Bouzane

there is a 
place for

Beulah Peyton Bouzane

Live life on the edge of all it was meant to be.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
Allow yourself to dance without music.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
Friendship is as necessary as breathing and as wonderful as Spring after a very long winter.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
May today be filled with delightful unknowns
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
Between friends there is a place for compassion and understanding
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
Make the most of your abilities, do the best you can and allow yourself to dream
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
She said, “I hope that in the central place of your heart, you will always feel beauty and hope
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
Laughter lingers in the heart like beautiful music.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
A man of few words yet when he spoke people listened for it was worth hearing.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
I woke to such a beautiful sunrise, I didn’t know what to say. So I just said “Thank You”.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
There was something about him. It was in his gentle and quiet presence. Always a twinkle in his eyes and a grin that captured your heart.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
It is in the stillness and silence of your being that you will find strength
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
All the pieces of your life move together to complete whatever puzzle you decide to create.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

What in the world was I thinking!

origins unknown

NEVER do anything today that you will be ashamed of tomorrow.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
“Cup’s only half full most of the time so I like to listen,” he said. "Then I’ll tell a story or two and when I run out of knowing, I listen some more.”
A man named Henry
A Powerful Story
from The BoBo Collection
Do you practice your traditional way of life?” she asked. He said, “Oh, no my dear! I don’t have enough time left to practice so I just live it.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
She said, “There is something magical about the night sky and I have seen so many sunsets. But that was then, and now I long for sunrises.”
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
He said, “Each day is the best day of the rest of my life when I awake to the call of the geese and the loons on the river and you are by my side.”
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
When you feel like life is falling apart, let the laughter in.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
Give today the best you have to give for it goes by so quickly and soon becomes a lifetime.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall never be disappointed.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
That day, I stood on the shores of forever and there was peace.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
Everyone needs a quiet place,
a place away from all the distractions
a place where you can
just sit awhile and collect your thoughts where you can let your imagination run wild where you can laugh or cry where you can reminisce or plan a place where you can just be.
A Favourite Place!
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
One never knows what lies around the next corner. It is so exciting for the full tapestry of your life has not yet been woven. It is waiting for you to weave as you wish.
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection
When you have someone who stands by and is there for you – no matter what – someone who cares completely and unconditionally, who listens and provides support – without hesitation – you have a true friend
Beulah Peyton Bouzane
from The BoBo Collection

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