The hug has to be virtual because I have a cold and I don’t want to spread the germs to you … something you definitely don’t need and I am not taking any chances.

I Thought of You This Morning

Yup! You’re on my mind.
And Yup! I am worried about you.

I can’t come to visit
so I am sending you virtual hugs.
There is no doubt
that it is a rough path
you are walking right now

I want you to know
I am thinking of you.
Cancer treatments are
no picnic that’s for sure
but stay strong and remember
you never walk alone.

Take a look below for more of what’s on my website …

Short Stories - Quotes - Recipes

all about little things

It is about capturing little thoughts, the laughter and fun, touching moments and the inspiration that gets us through each day.  
It’s about tradition, family recipes and things that make us smile.

Thought for Today


Starting Over

Really! There was no easy way out except to start all over again. It was then that I sat up and took notice. It happens so often to so many!

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Shadow in the Doorway

I was in my office and was just a little distracted when I thought I heard a knock on the door. I rushed down the stairs wondering who it could be.

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Thoughts by the fire

Sometimes the stories just come by chance - alone by a campfire, in the stillness of the morning, in the hustle of a busy day

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Ah yes – one day!

Yesterday I was thinking of some of the things I intend to do one day in my future and it reminded me of my aunt's advice

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The Weaver

Was it like a puzzle with a predetermined picture or would it be a tappestry that would be shaped and patterned by the weaver's hand

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Huh! What is Raku?

You never know what you are going to learn on a Saturday afternoon. We were helping artisan, Kayla Stride, with her first 'raku test run'

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The First Gift

I was so excited when I woke this morning for snowflakes were falling gently and everything was so peaceful

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Do not wait for daylight

So if you start your mornings early and are waiting for daylight to start some of your chores, plan carefully before having a coffee

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Welcoming 2024

Another year gone by and it is now 2024. January 1st is always such a wonderful day to celebrate. It is a new beginning.

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Traditions and Toilets

We all have them - traditions I mean - or, at least many of us do and hopefully we also have indoor plumbing. The littlest things matter

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Destination Unknown

It was a card for a baby shower and something someone said on the radio that sparked the thoughts. It was the beginning - destination unknown

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The Little Things

I was getting ready to head out early morning. With a few moments left, I decided to take a quick look on Facebook. What a wonderful start to my day when I read what our son had written. It is really all about little things!

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The Lonely Apple

Now it might seem a little pathetic to you but to me - I saw POTENTIAL. So what to do but to get out the pressure canner and get started

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Days Like That

So much to be done on a rainy day. Oh the progress that could be made and the things that could be accomplished except ...

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Morning Thoughts

All it takes is a beautiful sunrise to awaken the magic and the hope of a new day. Funny how that always triggers such pleasant thoughts.

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