Today I am reminded that, as always, the most important things in life come from the little things – a blue jay feeding on some garden seeds; fall leaves gently settling on the ground; the smell of apple sauce cooking on the stove; a bowl of jelly beans on a boardroom table; the haunting sounds of the loons on the river. Doesn’t that just fill your heart with love and laughter? Doesn’t it just give you strength?
Do you ever feel like that there’s nothing much of interest going on in your life when all around people seem to be doing and going and experiencing? I do – sometimes. Then I stop and see. I look at what’s happening in a particular moment. So much, actually! I stop and soak it all in – just about little things.
Then in the blink of an eye the scene changes – Squirrel! And, off I go with thoughts of things that I must do, of things to make, of an idea for another project, a story or a poem just bursting to be written.
About Little Things
It is nothing more than little things
a story ~ perhaps a recipe or two ~
or reaching out to say good morning
to let you know I thought of you.
Perhaps it was a beautiful sunrise
or something funny that came to mind
Perhaps I sensed you needed a friend
or something to help you unwind.
Perhaps a line that offered guidance
or inspiration to strengthen the day
Really! It is just about little things
~ things that happen along the way.