Don’t you just love a rainy day? It is as if the universe gives you permission to stay inside and take the pace down a notch or two. Oh the things one can do on such a day – a perfect time to relax and read a book or just laze around and do nothing. Or, you can clean the bathroom (Oh Joy! Oh Bliss), write a poem, make some cookies, repair a broken lock or, or, or. You can make a real dent in that long ‘to do’ list. Or NOT!
It was SUPPOSED to have been a rainy day – according to the forecast. I had so much planned. But I awoke to a beautiful sunrise and that set the wheels in motion to get outside ‘before the rain started’. I picked some blueberries for breakfast and noticed there were some darned aspen trees that were sprouting up in places that I didn’t want. I should cut them down.
I laid the cup of berries on the ground and off I went to get the brush cutter. On the way I passed by my tomato plants and saw that several had ripened and needed picking. There was only a handful so I brought them back to the house. As I walked by the potato bed, I started wondering if there was anything below those stalks. It would be so easy to have a look. So I dumped the tomatoes into an empty flower pot sitting on the bridge and set off to find the pitch fork.

It was only mid-morning and I was getting hungry, tired and thirsty. Oh my! I had forgotten all about breakfast. Perhaps I should pick some blueberries.

The trees were cut and I discovered there were potatoes under those stalks afterall.
By days end, I was totally whipped out, but it had been such fun!
And then it started to rain.
Don't you just love days like that!

Don’t think we will have to wait until we are eighty to enjoy the crops after all.
Might taste good in the cold hungry days of March…lol