I read a poem by Laura Lee Randall and it got me thinking about good days and bad days.
Sometimes you just need to press on.

It was such a cozy day. I love storms – an excuse to just sit back and do whatever I want. The license to be free.
Now why in the world do I even say that… most days I am doing exactly what I want when the mood strikes but there are some days when I swear I get out of bed on the wrong side. There are days when nothing goes quite right and you get kind of contrary about it all. My grandmother would have said, ‘She was cross as the cats.”
Today was one of those days. I slept in a bit (I hate it when that happens). When I woke, I sprang to my taps, tripped over my phone code, crashed to my knees, noticed the dust under the bed (I really didn’t need to see that) and thought, “Not a good way to start.”
And from there it sort of went downhill!
- I made breakfast. The onions burnt.
- I reached for some cardamom pods and knocked another spice bottle off the shelf. It broke, of course.
- A client called – they had messed up their website.
- Tipped over a tub of yogourt. It splattered everywhere (I don’t even like the darned stuff).
- I opened my package from Amazon. They had sent the wrong item.
Easy Fixes and Tough Stuff
Really, all in all, the troubles of my day were nothing of any significance – nothing that couldn’t be fixed or overcome. I peeled another onion, swept up the mess, helped with the website, vowed never to buy yogourt again, and contacted Amazon who immediately refunded my money so I could reorder. A great day after all!
But we all face times that are more heavy duty and easy fixes aren’t always possible. Life is like that. Those are days when we dig in our heels, pull ourselves up, and search for the positive to help see us through.
Out of the earth, the rose
Out of the night, the dawn
Out of my heart with all its woes,
High courage to press on.~ Laura Lee Randall
Now isn’t that just beautiful. The words alone spark courage ~ so positive!
I wonder what Randall was thinking when she wrote it. What was her day like? Did she feel like her life was falling apart. What was she going through?
It takes strength and determination “to press on”.
There is no doubt that this miserable pandemic has taken its toll and can be blamed for many of the woes and circumstance in which we find ourselves. There have been so many changes in our lives. Much of it may have been inevitable but there is no doubt the pandemic added yet another layer of weight.
And we pick up the pieces and push forward. I admire the person with fortitude
facing each day;
dealing with the adversities;
overcoming the obstacles
It is that will to endure – no matter what happens – with courage, confidence and patience that speaks of strength as nothing else can.

Cardamom Pods
Have you ever used cardamom pods? I may be repeating myself but I love the flavour and think you might as well.
A couple of years ago, my neighbour introduced me to them as a touch of flavour in tea. I am not so much a tea drinker these days but I do love hot drinks, so I started using them in water. So good!