Why do we put so much effort into celebrating the beginning of a new year? I have been giving some serious thought to the whole concept and it boggles my mind really! Every single day is such a spectacular phenomena that it’s worth celebrating each one. It is a new beginning. So I’ve decided that when I wake tomorrow morning, I’m going to treat it as such! It will be a day of fun, of laughter, of accomplishments – nothing big, mind you – just little things. Actually, that pretty much describes today. I’ll just keep it going.
No Waste This Year
I think food tastes better during the holidays! Don’t you? I am convinced it travels from the lips to the hips just a little faster. As I opened the pantry door, I decided this would be the perfect time to start being sensible (part of that new beginning I mentioned). It’s time to stop the train. So for lunch I threw away all the leftover cookies and opened a can of tuna fish. Surely, there would be brownie points allotted for that. Such willpower and determination!
That was all that was needed! With a burst of energy, my mind went into full gear. There will be no waste from the kitchen this year – all cans will be repurposed. Now what can one do with a tuna fish can? Which gave me another idea! Last year I saved all the coffee cans for use as gift containers for friends and family. It took 3 washings and 6 months to air them out and get rid of the coffee smell. This year I’m getting the coffee beans in bags. I can make flower planters out of those – no cleaning required.
Squirrel! I really must save my flower seeds. Oh, and I need to organize my recipes and decide what cookies to make next Christmas. And on and on it went as I picked up speed with new ideas for projects. (The tuna can will become a pin cushion, of course.)

And the squirrel! In the middle of all the ideas, a squirrel darts up a tree and your mind quickly shifts. Talk about being easily distracted. Hilarious!
Suddenly it is January 8th
A week has gone by and each new day has been a wonderful beginning. Today I start taking down the decorations and enjoy as, once again, it transforms back to the perfect cluttered and cozy home.
Sticky Notes on Windows
As I packed away the decorations, carefully organizing items for when they surface next Christmas, I found an old poem I had written some years ago. It certainly hit a chord for today our grandchild heads off to her second semester at university. My goodness! The time has flown.
Leave the finger marks on the windows
you can clean that another day
Let the sticky notes stay where they left them
for it’s important to know what they say
Try to capture every moment
for it lasts but a little while
Don’t fuss that the dust is collecting
or that dirty dishes are heaped in a pile
And the smudges you see on the table
are just another story to be told
Don’t worry that time is wasting
for these are memories as you grow old