Ever open a book to find a little scrap of paper – perhaps a little poem or note that someone had written many years before … Oh my what treasures!
I was so excited the other day! I opened an old book of poems, Sonnets of the Portuguese, of all things. It is one by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. As I read some of the poems, I kept thinking “Why in the world did I ever like this stuff!” I mean no offence to the woman as she was seen as one of the greatest poets of her day – right up there with good ole William Shakespeare. Who am I to question such literary genius! But really, her work was just plain morbid. The collection was all about yearnings of a love lost or out of reach. At one point in my life, I must have found this of some interest – at least enough to buy this particular book. On second thought, it had been a loan that turned into a gift.
(Actually, the intrigue is to read about Browning’s life. You should check it out sometime.)
In any event, my excitement really had nothing to do with the book but what I found inside. There was a little scrap of paper with a copy of an old email a friend had sent me in 1993. I am trying to recall the circumstances at the time and what would have motivated her to write the little poem. I am thinking it must have been a miserable, frustrating, Monday. One where she or I had thrown up our hands as we headed out the door.. Regardless – to find that almost 30 year old scrap of paper was a burst of sheer delight. Naturally, I took a picture and sent it to her right away.
It got me thinking of all the little treasures I have found over the years. Some are now long gone through my desperate efforts to downsize and minimize. How silly! I should have kept every scrap I ever found and gotten rid of the furniture instead.
And then I opened another book and found another treasure – a little ‘Have a Great Day!” greeting with no mention of any special occasion – a ‘just because’ note. What an absolutely wonderful way to start the day!

Oh and did I tell you that I found a coffee invite (2008). My sister was in town on a business trip so I sent her an email invitation to meet for coffee. Of course I kept it. I sent it along to her again yesterday. I wonder if she remembers it.
At one point I found this little scrap from the days when I attended nursing school. Oh but that was soooo long ago! We were in the most boring class ever. And, who would be instructing but the very STERN Head of Nursing. An outstanding woman no doubt but in seconds she could reduce you to a pea pod with just one look. She was droning on and on about something or other – probably about the importance of changing a bed pan. I felt a gentle tap on my arm as my friend, who was always idle and getting me in trouble, slipped a scrap of paper into my hand. I remember laughing out loud … not quite the thing to do at that particular moment. Caught!
Ah! But I still have that note!
I sent that picture to my friend this morning. She shared it with her daughters. We all had such a good laugh once again.
Do you like reading? Perhaps you are into digital books these days. It’s so convenient. With the Public Library online, it is easy to explore all the wonderful titles, old and new, and with the click of a button select something that catches your eye. There you have it! The book right at your fingertips so to speak. You can speed read through to the end or sit back and savour every word, every page.
And the Public Library is only one place. Not finding quite what you wanted – a new release or the like, you go to your favourite source online to purchase and download it. My sister and I subscribe to BookBub and get daily notifications of book deals – some you can even get for free. How wonderful is that!
Side Thought: What will happen to all those digital copies once my hard drive is full or if my device breaks down? Oh my!
But best of all is a real, honest-to-goodness, book. One you can hold in your hands and feel the texture of the paper and just sit back and turn those pages. It can be hard or soft cover – doesn’t matter. Well that’s not quite true. I prefer hard cover, particularly if it’s a book I want to keep.
Is there anything more enjoyable – perhaps to reread an old book from start to finish or sometimes just to skim through to find some quote or such that had struck a chord for some reason!

This past week I spent hours flipping through books to see what else I might find. It was such great fun! I left each scrap of paper in the same spot I’d found it. In some books, here and there, I slipped fresh new notes. Perhaps in years to come, others will open a book to find their own little treasures.
About real books … Sometimes they hold the greatest treasures!

Beulah you never cease to amaze me girl! Right away, I’m thinking what’s she up to now & the rest is history! I’m lost in your notes! Your reminiscing takes me into your world,
& what a beautiful read it is! I love how you are so excited to go back in time, & read what you were doing in the past that You wrote about! Awesomeness on your part to stick that note in a book 📕 & re write ✍️ About it 30 years later! I love it my friend!
Thank you so much Rita. It is wonderful to know that my writing brings enjoyment, smiles or laughter, or strikes an emotion that touches the heart. It is, after all, what the little things in life are all about.
Love this Beulah! I didn’t know you were in nursing school! I was too for almost 2 years! Knew we had a lot in common but that is kinda freak! What are the odds given what we ended up working at! Can’t wait till we can get together again.Take care.
So happy you enjoyed the read. You tried nursing too – wow! Many times I thought I should have stuck to it. Life would have been so different. Ah, but the road not taken! Hope to see you over next few months.