Yesterday my granddaughter, Kaitlyn, and I attended a workshop on photography. It was offered by Geoff Goodyear (Geoff Goodyear Photography) a well known photographer from Newfoundland and Labrador who has captured some amazing pieces of art over the years.
There were about 10 of us at the workshop, all with varying expertise – from the total novice (me) to those who have made this a lifelong hobby. Learning the ‘how tos’ and ‘don’t dos’ along with excellent tips and techniques was balanced with such good humour in relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
During the afternoon portion, we took a field trip to the Grand Falls House to take photos to our hearts content. I tried diligently to apply the things I’d learned. But it was watching Kaitlyn and the other participants that sparked the greatest pleasure and made me wonder – what do they see! What seemed to be intriguing to some seemed to go unnoticed by others – each person seeing the world through different eyes.
Kaitlyn explored the grounds seeking perfect shots – the twists, the shapes, the lighting, the contrast. She was struck by the beauty of a flower against the bark of an old tree. For others, it may have been the old building, its windows weather beaten and worn, or perhaps the majestic birch or a bumble bee.
It reminded of a piece written by William Blake many years ago:
To see a World in a grain of sand
And Heaven in a wild flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
and Eternity in an hour.

Our thanks to Geoff for sharing his talents with us!
Yesterday’s workshops were FANTASTIC
So today we head back for the final session … Image editing and enhancement
Let’s see if we can make the photos pop!
Awesome Beulah! I so forgot about this! I would have loved to have done this! Enjoy with your beautiful granddaughter! Maybe you can give me a few pointers 📷 📸
Ah sugar! You would have enjoyed it, Rita. Geoff is a fabulous presenter. I learned so much. We didn’t have cameras yesterday so Kaitlyn and I just used our cell phones.