I am sitting here with my morning coffee, looking out over the river. It’s early yet but the loons are wide awake and calling to each other. How I love that sound – haunting yet so comforting somehow.
The wind is dancing in the trees and the horizon is blanketed in fog, so much so that I can’t see the shore on the other side. It is much cooler this morning, cooler than it has been for several weeks now. It rained overnight, thank goodness. So this morning I don’t need to water the garden and can just sit back and contemplate life.
Last evening I sat for a while with Nicole and we chatted about colours. She said, “purple and orange are my favourite, you know!” showing me a picture of how the two blended and then cascaded into beautiful shades that somehow made your heart feel warm and you just want to dance.
We talked of sunsets and sunrises and I remembered the beauty I had captured the day before.

It takes a sunrise to tell the story!
How I love mornings!
It’s like the universe hands you a brand new slate, ready to be filled with whatever you choose for the day ahead. My thoughts meander in and out of adventures that are just waiting to happen. Then, right in the middle of the thought, my mind switched gears to an adventure earlier in the week.
Hunting for Kelp
You’ve often heard of doing ‘a coffee run’, right? Well, have you ever gone on ‘a kelp run’? Not a bit alike but, oh, such fun!
I had been wanting to go hunting for kelp for some time now, thanks to my cousins, Perc and Audrey. It’s a perfect fertilizer they say and if you could see their garden, you would know it to be true.
You see, I’ve been ‘making soil’ for the past several months – gravel, topsoil, a bit of peat, some compost – all organic of course. Somehow the formula is not working and my secret garden is crying out for help. What I really need is kelp. So on Monday, off we went!
The sun was blazing hot that day and then smack in the middle, it poured. We had to run for cover and off on a little excursion through Little Burnt Bay.
It was quite a day, no doubt!

I have enough kelp to make some soil. Still more was set aside for a bucket of kelp tea.
Thank you Perc and Audrey!
Talk about the rich soil I will have. Just wait until next year!
And Then I Thought of You!
It’s Sunday afterall – a day to share with friends and family, a day of rest perhaps. What will you do, I wonder! Oh but I hope you go somewhere and do something exciting. Actually, it doesn’t have to be exciting – just something that gives you pleasure and brings a smile. Yes indeed! Perhaps you’ll sit and read a book or perhaps you’ll go for ice cream or do a coffee run. Better still, perhaps you will go on a kelp run. That would be wonderful.
Today I hope you capture a sunrise and hear the call of a loon!

Oh Beulah, you are one amazing writer. Live reading your blogs. We think and speak of you often. Sending lots of love your way. 😘 🫂
Thank you Shirley. I am so happy you enjoyed it. I just love writing and reading. I’ve read a few of your stories that you’ve posted on Facebook and you had me in stitches. Wonderful!
I often think of you and Pat as well and the great times we shared. Love and hugs to both of you.
Beautiful blog Beulah!! Look forward to reading them!! Yes, that was an awesome day- so much fun and laughter!!! All kinds of weather , especially rain, but lots of kelp!