Many years ago, my sister, who was just a little girl at the time, lost a very special ring. We searched high and low for weeks on end but with no luck. Then, one night our Mom had a dream. When she awoke the next morning she informed all of us that the ring would be found in the drain of the bathroom sink.
Some people have the ‘gift of knowing’ things before they happen. Some are connected to the universe through a sixth sense. It can be an overwhelming feeling that the stars are out of line and that something is not the way it should be. Other times, it can come in the form of a dream. You wake up ‘knowing’. Spooky, aye? But, over the years, I have learned to trust that feeling.
Nan always travelled about the Province during the summer, visiting family in the little nooks and crannies where they lived. One cousin, Gladys, was especially close to her heart and she made a point of visiting her every year. At the close of her visit one year, Gladys gave Nan a beautiful flowering Christmas Cactus. It was a ‘just because’ present.
After a few weeks and at the start of Fall, the flowers died and dropped off but my grandmother kept looking after the plant. She did so for several years but the plant refused to bloom again. Many times my mom suggested it was time to get rid of the thing but Nan insisted it was still alive and kept on giving it tender loving care.
It was on a Saturday morning – I can remember it almost as if it were yesterday. I heard Nan announce quietly but with certainty,
“Rosie, there is a flower coming out on the plant. We will hear news of Gladys today”.
Later, there was a knock on the door. A relative brought news from the other side of the Province. Gladys had died.
About Dreams
Probably since the beginning of thought, people have speculated about dreams and their meaning – even whether there is any meaning. Early civilizations thought of dreams as a medium between humans and the gods. The Greeks and Romans were convinced that dreams could predict the future. Times have changed and there are many different theories on the meaning of dreams and dream interpretation.
Many indigenous cultures believe that dreams are a door to the spiritual world. When the body sleeps, the spirit awakens to roam free in the spirit world. We move through past, present, and future and can experience all that was, is and will be. When the spirit returns to awaken the body, the mind will have the wisdom to continue on with life’s journey. With the mind at ease, the heart will be at peace.
Sometimes 'Knowing' Comes in a Dream
I believe dreams are a connection between this world and a different realm – sometimes but not always. Sometimes it is just snippets in time being pulled together as we sleep.
Just as it was with our Nan, it was that way for our Mom. She knew things. Sometimes it came to her in dreams, like where to find the ring. Other times, perhaps it was a mother’s intuition, she always knew when we needed her or when something was wrong. We, in turn, would get these feelings that the universe was sending a message and would say to each other,
“Mom is talking to God again”.
Each of us have the “gift of knowing”. It still happens – even today.
‘Hour of the Wolf’ – that time somewhere between midnight and dawn when thoughts run wild and sleep is hard to come by. It is a time when we get stuck in the mud going over and over something that happened the day before and when our troubles seem so much worse – horrible and insurmountable. And if, by chance, you drift off to sleep, you find yourself having the oddest dreams, even nightmares perhaps.
I just hate it when that happens, don’t you?
No matter what the night, whether dreams or facing the hour of the wolf, sometimes we just ‘know’. And, it is the beauty of the river early morning that gives inspiration for another day.

Beautiful. Insightful. You never cease to amaze me, my precious sister! Your gifts are limitless. ❤️
Thank you! It is such a pleasure to sit and write – especially on a beautiful day, or in a storm, or if it’s raining, or the wind is blowing! So happy you enjoyed it. Wish you’d send me some of your work!!!
Nan and Mom both had the gift. There are many stories we can recall of how they knew things before the rest of us and the words just popped out telling us of a happening. Yes, as we got older we would say “Mom is talking to God again”. It didn’t have to be a dream at night, it could happen in the middle of the day.
Keep writing your stories. Through you, the past will stay alive for the next generation. Love you.
I will but oh what pressure … ha ha. Love you too
Beautiful read Beulah! Keep them coming! Sometimes I will remember a dream, more often not! When I dream of a love one, I always feel that they are extra close by & I take Comfort in that! 🙏❤️
Wonderful my precious sister and so true. Uncle Ben also had the gift of sight.
Thank you Valerie. You are right – Uncle Ben too. Love you! What would I do without my sisters!
Ah but you are right – comforting! Thank you, Rita.
Well said treasured friend.❤️❤️
Thank you Mike and Ruby …. I am sure I replied to your comment earlier but I think the gremlins must have taken it!. So happy you enjoyed the read.
That speaks to me as well, Beulah, as I believe I also carry that gift.
Please keep writing. I enjoy your stories so much, and often, as I did today, set them aside to read later so that I can look forward to it all day. xo
Thank you Sheila. And about writing – you, too. When is your next book coming out? Be sure to pop in when you are in this neck of the woods again.