For my granddaughters …
To always end up in the right place in your life
takes talent; it takes energy … do not rely on luck
Be in the right kind of company
it is an important part of your growth
All of us need support – seek the right kind.
If you aren’t in the right company
there’s little chance of you doing the right thing.
for you will be influenced by the company you keep.
Each day brings a new beginning.
There will always be positive and negative
It is how you deal with each
that makes all the difference.
Always be true to yourself.
It is your responsibility to walk with integrity
`without that you are nothing.
Discipline yourself to be positive
Start with whatever truth you know
and get rid of the garbage.
There is enough of that in every place
including your mind.
Make your way toward pleasantness
Seek people who are happy
Seek people who give off positive energy
Seek people who speak truth.
Your experience of life can be everything
you want it to be
but it takes determination.
Choose the right place and path for you.
Open up the beauty that is within you
so you are always the best version of you.
Words to Live By
“Life cannot be preserved.
You cannot bottle it.
You cannot freeze it.
It can only be nourished and used.”
Stretch yourself physically.
Rest when you need to rest but
do NOT waste away your time.
Learn to LIVE every moment!
© The BoBo Collection
He who stands on tiptoe does not stand firm;
He who takes the longest strides does not walk the fastest.