The Christmas Tree
Many a debate has been had over the best way to decorate a Christmas tree. Some want it to be absolutely perfect. Others not so much.
So the big discussion today was about Christmas trees and decorating. Seems that not everybody is on the same page on this one. I have some friends who are interior decorators at heart. By the time they are finished, their trees look like a photo from one of those high fashion magazines. They are absolutely beautiful. Everything is picture perfect, so symmetrical and colour coordinated. Every bow and each piece of ribbon is carefully placed in just the right spot. When I visit my friends I am blown away by the wonder and creativity.
Then there are my sisters who can make something beautiful out of very little and make it all so magical. One sister didn’t put up a tree this year but gathered bullrushes and dogberries from nearby, wrapped a box in Christmas fabric, and made an arrangement that subsitutes as a tree – AMAZING! And you don’t even realize there is no tree in her living room because the unique decorations create an illusion and you don’t even notice.
In our home, tradition reigns supreme. Each decoration has a special meaning and is a treasure from years gone by.
My Christmas tree is filled with things
collected through the years.
And, as I place them on each branch,
it brings both smiles and tears.
There are the crocheted snowflakes
my mother made for me
I place them near the very top
for everyone to see.
There is the hand carved Santa
a bird house on a branch
glass icicles that my sister made
not one thing came by chance
A little stocking filled with coal
a string of braided rope
each a treasured memory
of Joy, Peace, Love and Hope
You've heard of Rescue Dogs ...but have you ever heard of a Rescue Tree?
There was a time when our tree was much larger than the one in the photo but there’s not near a much space these days. As a result, I’ve opted for a much smaller one. Mind you, this is not just any tree! It has had a life of its own and was known as the Travelling Tree for quite some time. Having finally found its way to our house, it is now called The Rescue Tree. It stands with a slight list to the right, a few (more than a few) broken limbs and a stand that won’t stand properly so it is secured by strong rope and a nail or two.
Its most recent former home was with a special Auntie who is also one of my most treasured friends. But I am getting ahead of myself. Actually, the tree belonged to my cousins at the outset. It had been used for many years and had outlived its intrigue and original beauty so with strong will and determination, Shirley ordered it be sent to the curb. That day Craig took a dart down to visit his mom and dad. They were putting up their tree and he was not impressed. Not being one to shy from the truth, he quickly told them the tree was pathetic and not nearly as good as the one waiting for garbage collection. So off he went to rescue the thing – just in time too as the big blue truck was coming down the street.
With that last minute adventure, the tree stood majestically (or almost so) in its new home. After a year or two, it finally found its way to the basement where it continued to serve in the Rec Room for several more Christmases. In the end, it was destined once more for the curb. My aunt made a drastic executive decision. The tree was finally worn out and was only suitable for curbside pickup.
I happened upon the sad scene and was immediately to the rescue. We stuffed that pathetic little tree in an old Sony Home Entertainment box and loaded it in the back of my car. What a laugh we all had! You have to admit, if you could see it up close, that tree has character and enough personality to get through yet a few more years. It’s the story that makes it special and now it has become another one of my favourite traditions.
Oh, by the way ...
This morning I burned the old Sony box … full of holes and taped together with duct tape, it has served its purpose well. I will rescue a new storage box this year.