This morning I was scanning Facebook and thinking of how we are all keeping in touch these days. There are texts, facetime and facebook; little posts of encouragement, comments on current events, rants on what is wrong with this or that, photos of our family, “likes” “loves” and emojis.
Then I read a message my nephew had re-posted from someone, somewhere (author unknown)
Reminding all my friends (old and new)…my house is a safe zone. Tea or coffee can be on in minutes, or a beer or glass of wine. I can make Hot Chocolate as well. My dining room is a place of peace and non-judgment. Anyone who needs to chat is welcome anytime. We can talk, share a laugh or two, or just listen. It’s not good suffering in silence. I have food or we can order out, eat, laugh and cry. I will always do my best to be available…you are always welcome! This is an old value that has been lost to technology… a text, facetime, gif or bitmoji is not the equivalent to a good old fashioned face to face visit.

Now I think that is absolutely wonderful! What an invitation!
Of course, all I could do was laugh as I read on. He said, “I come and go with the wind. I’m in the Maldives at the moment.”
But regardless, The intent was genuine and his invitation sincere – for when he gets back home.
“Come on over for a tea or coffee – my house is a safe zone!
You are always welcome here.”
Actually, you can make that my invitation, too. “Come on over for tea or coffee. My house is a safe zone! You are always welcome here.”
Update on My Cell Phone Adventure
Well, I did it. I bought that new cell phone. Buying a home or new vehicle would probably have been easier – the make, the model, the capacity, the features, the apps. It thinks it can do everything EXCEPT wash dishes and link up with my Blackberry. Remember, in my last blog I told you about the outdated/obsolete technology on that old phone. Well now, that has implications, let me tell you. I just finished inputting 364 contacts – manually – one-by-one.
Which takes me to my “To Do” List
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions and, if so, how is that working for you? Honestly, for me it is a wasted effort. I never, ever, EVER, stick to any resolutions made at the start of a new year. But I usually make a ‘To Do’ list … which I promptly (or conveniently) lose somewhere in a pile of paper.

To be smart about it for 2018, I decided I would be progressive and just put the list on my cell phone. I was so very proud! Must have been about 20 projects on that note – prioritized of course. No need to worry about losing a sticky note. It’s all right there at my fingertips.
You’re ahead of me now. You got the picture! The To Do list went the way of my contacts – except worse. It disappeared completely. So now I have nothing to do but dream …

She Sat by the Window
© 2018 Beulah Peyton Bouzane
She sat by the window where she could see the street
And longed for a friendly smile
Perhaps there would be somebody who would drop by
for a visit and to chat for awhile.