It was sometime in January when I told my family and close friends of my latest project …
I’m planning to launch a small line of greeting cards for sale online and in specialty shops … Deadline (self-imposed) is set for mid to late March.
It was so exciting! Still is! But really … to be ready in six to eight weeks. How silly was that? There were new sketches to be done, the right paper to be found, sizing to be perfected, envelopes that fit, words to be written, a website to be recreated, samples, testing, editing …. It was so much fun I got lost in the whole production.
Actually, truth be told, everything was ready by the beginning of April or so I thought at the time. Then I started second guessing every little thing I was doing. So I tossed it all aside and started over. What a muddle!
And then it was MAY. Everything was set to go. I spent the last few days once again second guessing and getting on everybody’s nerves. My sisters were ready to throttle me and with deep sighs said (several times), “Just throw the switch. It’s time.” And all I kept thinking was
“How did I get myself into this! I need treatment for those darned feet.”
I took some time this morning to really dig deep and think about what was holding me back.
- It wasn’t the pressure of missing a self-imposed deadline.
- It wasn’t trouble with the technology.
- It wasn’t the number of cards.
- It wasn’t the materials.
- It wasn’t …
It was because of those darned feet! If they aren’t stuck in my mouth, they are cold.
I had been second guessing everything I had done – every card; every sketch; every web page. Was it good enough? It was then that I found something my granddaughter, Kaitlyn, had written.
I Threw The Switch!
Launched Today
This is it! The first lot of cards are now online on this website.
I do hope you like the collection so far. Within the next week, I will be adding Father’s Day cards along with more Everyday Cards. Boxed sets will also be available shortly.
The majority are blank on the inside, ready for you to write your own special message. However, if you want me to add something specific or to personalize a card with the intended recipient’s name, send me an email and I’ll see if I can accommodate the request. An email form is provided below.
It really has been fun! Now if I could only do something about those darned feet.