Quotes and poems everywhere … so much to take in. There’s certainly no shortage of posters and little sayings to inspire and say Happy Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a day for love ~ love of all sorts
A romantic love between two people
Love of a parent for a child; a child for a parent
Grandparent for a grandchild; grandchild for a grandparent
Between friends
The expressions we see all around are endless. But there is never enough love is there? In this world each one of us needs to love and be loved. No, there is never enough.
I laughed as I was about to publish this blog … CBC just announced they are about to interview someone on how to write a Valentine message that won’t make the reader cringe. Well, I may learn lessons and regret this publication, but I really don’t care. I will go ahead and say it:
Happy Valentine’s Day
My Valentine wish for each of you is that your life be filled with love!
My Forever Friends
We Sisters are a Force of Five
A circle of never ending love
with hands holding tight,
strength flowing from one to the other
often holding each other up
~ a chain that cannot be broken.
~ My Forever Friends
More Precious than Gold
The excitement of little children
The memories of a time long ago
The hopes for a promising future
Are some of the thoughts that flow
A smile from someone special
A visit from a friend new or old
A simple little “I love you.”
Are gifts more precious than gold
The Quilt on the Back of the Chair
Our friendship is like a handmade quilt
Which never shows signs of wear
For the threads are strong
And the bonds we’ve made
Are stitched with love and care.
Even when troubles are testing our souls
And there is nothing either can do
The quilt of friendship
Has wrapped around
To somehow see us through
The colours are bright and cheerful
Each block is a story told
And in the middle
A layer of warmth
That weathers every cold
And just to know we each stand by
Whether tears or laughter we share
A warm handclasp
Which always holds true
Like the quilt on the back of the chair

Having a special friend is a true blessing
Love is the whole of life
It is tenderness when the world is cruel
Love is wiping away a tear
It is listening when all around there is noise
and even when there is nothing but silence
Love is endless and knows no bounds
It is laughter and the sheer joy of sharing
the gentle squeeze of an out stretched hand
Love is the whole of life
© 2022 Beulah Peyton Bouzane